Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Digg Friends Automatically (Beta) (Removed)


Digg Friends Automatically is a Greasemonkey Script

Adapted from Digg Friends Easy and Digg Friends Easier. Puts a "digg" button next to every story under /friends/submissions, /history/submissions & /friends/shoutsin/ section and automatically clicks them without user intervention. Automatic clicks can be turned off or restricted to marked friends only. Friends can be marked (-) / unmarked (+) by clicking the button put besides their username on above mentioned pages plus the /friends/view and /friends/befriended pages.

So you been away for the weekend, return home, open up digg and find heaps and heaps of shouts and your friends have submitted a lot more stories in two days than you can digg in 5, what do you do? Digg Friends Automatically (Beta) to the rescue !!!

Digg Friends Automatically (Beta) automatically puts a "digg" it button next to every story on under /friends/submissions, /history/submissions & /friends/shoutsin section and automatically diggs the story if Auto Digging is set ON. Auto Digging can be turned ON/OFF, see usage (a) and (b) below on this page.

But what do you do if you do not want to digg all and sundry but a special few, whom you like and want to make sure that their stories are dugg no matter what!!! With Digg Friends Automatically (Beta) you can mark friends that you want dugg automatically. Just use the "+" button to mark friends as special to be dugg automatically and "-" button to un-mark friends as special. All friends that show "-" button besides their user names will be dugg automatically by the script. To use this feature make sure AutoDigging is ON and Digging : - Friends only, please see usage (c) below on this page.

Author :
Website : thediggboss.blogspot.com
Email : thediggboss@gmail.com

Credits & Acknowledgements :
Jason Homan - Author :
Digg Friends
Easybobielawlintine - Author : Digg Friends Easier

Download / Install :

Script is available for download or installation from: userscripts.org - http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/24366

System Requirements : Greasemonkey 0.3 + with a compatible browser installed.

Usage : * Note : Please hover the mouse over newly added elements / buttons to see what it does.
(a) Auto Digging OFF : Only puts a "digg" button besides stories under
/friends/submissions, /history/submissions & /friends/shoutsin section.

(b) Auto Digging ON & Digging All :
Puts a "digg" button besides stories under /friends/submissions, /history/submissions & /friends/shoutsin section and automatically clicks all of them irrespective of who the story has been submitted.

(c) Auto Digging ON & Digging - Friends Only :
Puts a "digg" button besides stories under /friends/submissions, /history/submissions & /friends/shoutsin section and automatically clicks stories submitted by "-" marked friends. All friends that will be dugg automatically under this option will have "-" marked button desides their usernames.

  • Please send comments / suggestions to thediggboss+script@gmail.com

Friday, March 21, 2008

Sarkozy's story hits the front page ...

I must be getting good at this, 5th story in a row to hit the front page. This time it is the Sarkozy cyber spin doctor story to hit the front page, again only in 2 hours 54 minutes, 88 total, 75 from friends.

Google Japan Revamps Homepage story hits front page

4 stories in a row make it to the front page. Google Japan Revamps Homepage story took a long long time, 10 hours 25 mins, 183 total diggs, 149 diggs from friends, 20 comments. Typo in the title was mostly ignored by friends but I am sure there will be harsh words by diggers on front page. Digg.com is a very different place during the night, hardly any diggers. Made a handful of Indian and Romanians friends. They have very interesting things to say. Had fun.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Weird Eyes story hits the front page in 01:32:20 but gets buried in 10 mins

The weird eyes story hit the front page in 1 hour 32 minutes with 63 diggs total, 54 of them from friends and 7 comments. This was the first time i submitted an image as a story on digg, I showed the image to few of my friends, some of them found it weird, others said it was cool but everybody agreed it was digg material, so i went ahead and submitted the image. The image as it turned out was very old which could be confirmed from the harsh comments the story received once it hit the front page. http://www.ajaxonomy.com/buryrecorder/ showed 8 buries in matter of minutes, 4 of them were with in 1 minute. Served me right, lesson learnt, I will never submit an image to digg without knowing its source and age.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Google Market Share domination story hits the front page ...

Great, yeah feels really really great to hit the front page so often. Google Market share domination story hit the front page. 6 hours 30 mins, 147 diggs, 123 diggs from friends, 17 comments. Took a long long time at the second position on the most popular stories page, i really thought this story was a goner. Any way the story is not generating much interest among the diggers even on the front page. Probably might get buried, i hope not. Can sleep well now.

GoogleDocs story hits the front page in 1 hour 30 mins only

Yeah, many of my friends are impressed with me cause i am hitting the front page so often now and that too in less time, where as they are used to waiting 20-22 hours, my stories hit the digg.com front page well with in 8-10 hours and now the Google docs story has hit the front page in 1 hour 30 mins flat, same around total 48 diggs, 41 diggs from friends, 7 non friends, 0 comments. But what happened to the Obama race story I submitted before this one, will blog later.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Fed interest rate cut story makes it to the front page.

Great luck, the fed rate cut story reaches the front page against all odds. Had almost given up on the story and stopped promoting it, but the Yahoo story reached the front page in double quick time, which meant I had lots of resources for the Fed cut story. There were many duplicate stories and I was not the first one to submit the fed rate cut story. I even made a typo in the title while submitting the story. But had to be a day when 2 stories would hit the front page.

Yahoo Story hits the Front Page in 1 hour 35 mins flat

Abandoned the Fed interest cut story, made a typo in the title while submitting the story and the story was duplicated too many times. One of my friends had himself submitted the story and i later dugg it. Update 1 : Promoting Fed Cut story again. Some factors seems favorable and the story still might hit the front page. Update 2 : Some 7 hours 50 minutes later the fed interest cut is on 2nd position in Most Popular Upcoming page and also featured as the Hot in All Topics Widget.

But then I was pleasantly surprised when a friend IM'ed me to inform that the Yahoo story had already hit the front page in 1 hour & 30 mins flat. 50 diggs & 2 comments thats is all what it needed. Most of the 50 diggs were from the usual suspects but they arrived at colossal rate.

Internet Addiction story sure to be auto buried?

Digg search is down, Internet addiction story submitted was accepted without showing any duplicates. A previous story (duplicate) submitted 4 hours earlier hits the front page with only 25 diggs and 0 comments against the 50 diggs and 9 comments for the story submitted later.

The question is will the story be auto buried, buried manually by digg gods or buried as duplicate by users?

At the moment the new story is also being displayed in the Hot News in Industry widget.

Monday, March 17, 2008

2 in a row - French disfigured women story hits the front page.

Success follows success and in quick time too, IM doing the trick, fast responses from friends and some non friends digging, the story is on front page much faster than anticipated.

Story proves that title and description are very crucial to get user involved in the story and making them comment. The stories seem to stay in the popular pages for a shorter time if diggers comment. It dose not matter if the comments are from friends or non friends.

Anyway - the "secret" works and will be revealed soon .........

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mario Retirement Story makes it to Front Page !!!

The Mario Retirement Story makes it to the front page with 135+ diggs and 35+ comments . This story has the potential to break the 1000 diggs mark which has been so elusive for so long. The provocative title and description might just do the trick. The "secret" albeit slow seems to work, considering this story took 9.5+ hours in upcoming pages.

Update 1 : little chances of the story getting 1000+ diggs. digg.com was was down on account of maintenance for couple of hours, the story slipped out fast from the front page thereafter

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Lame : Down for everyone or just me

Submitted the most stupid story i could find in 3 hours of searching. The story, the service provided and the website is a complete joke. Accuracy my foot Down for everyone or just me could not determine if youtube.com was up or down. The only catch is that the story is hosted on downloadsquad.com, so it gets a little bit of credibility. Lets see how the digg community reacts to such a story, my guess is this story wont make it to the Front Page, and even if it dose it will be buried like anything and be out in 10 mins. :-)

Update 1 : Mutual Friends / Fans will digg anything, content is inconsequential.

Update 2 : 11 hours in upcoming, 131 diggs in Upcoming, 30 non friend diggs, auto bury.

Japan Story hits the front page ...

Finally after tweaking making times, one makes the front page. A really very different approach to promote the story succeed, will test the approach a few on a few more stories before revealing the "secret" ...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Another one bites the dust ...

2 hidden ways to get more from your Gmail address was not so interesting story for digg algo. Agreed the story had nothing unique and would not add anything of substance to the frontpage. The story was campaigned agressivelyand received 74 diggs and only 4 of them were from non friends. http://www.ajaxonomy.com/buryrecorder/ did not record any buries for the story.

But before concluding anything, it is a bit confusing whether these stories are automatically buried by the digg algo or someone manually buries these stories?

It would be simple for an algorithm to determine that the story is being promoted by mutual friends and thus buried but difficult to determine if the story is a duplicate since it cannot determine the perspective with which a story has been written. On the other hand a manual "bury brigade" working for digg either paid or voluntary can easily determine both.